10 Clear Signs that Your Kidney Stone is Passing

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Kidney stones can be incredibly painful and distressing. However, as they begin to move through the urinary tract, there are several signs that can indicate your kidney stone is passing. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 signs to look out for, providing you with valuable insights into this crucial aspect of kidney stone management.
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Section 1: Understanding Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are solid deposits that form in the kidneys from substances in the urine. They can vary in size and composition, leading to excruciating pain when they move through the urinary tract. The signs of a passing kidney stone are important to recognize as they indicate progress and relief from the intense discomfort associated with this condition.
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Section 2: Intense Flank Pain

One of the most prominent signs that a kidney stone is passing is the experience of intense flank pain. This pain typically occurs on one side of the body and may radiate to the lower abdomen and groin. The severity of the pain can be debilitating, often leading individuals to seek medical attention. As the stone moves, the intensity of the pain may fluctuate, becoming more acute as it gets closer to being expelled from the body.

Section 3: Changes in Urination Patterns

As a kidney stone moves through the urinary tract, it can cause noticeable changes in urination patterns. Individuals may experience increased frequency of urination, accompanied by a sense of urgency. Additionally, there may be periods of decreased urine output or difficulty initiating urination due to the movement of the stone. It's important to monitor these changes and report them to a healthcare professional.

Section 4: Blood in Urine

The presence of blood in the urine, known as hematuria, is a common sign that a kidney stone is passing. The passage of a stone can cause irritation and minor injury to the urinary tract, leading to the release of blood into the urine. While this can be alarming, it is a clear indication of progress in the movement of the stone. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider to rule out other potential causes of hematuria.

Section 5: Relief from Pain

As the kidney stone progresses through the urinary system, individuals may experience intermittent relief from the intense pain associated with its presence. This temporary reprieve is often a reassuring sign that the stone is moving and inching closer to being expelled from the body. It's crucial to stay vigilant and monitor any changes in pain levels during this process.

Section 6: Sensation of Pressure or Fullness

Some individuals may perceive a sensation of pressure or fullness in the lower abdomen or groin area as the kidney stone moves through the ureter. This can be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or heaviness and is indicative of the stone's passage. While this sensation can be distressing, it signifies progress in the natural course of eliminating the kidney stone from the body.

Section 7: Nausea and Vomiting

During the passage of a kidney stone, some individuals may experience episodes of nausea and vomiting. This can be attributed to the intense pain and discomfort associated with the movement of the stone, triggering an emetic response. While unpleasant, these symptoms can indicate that the stone is on the move. However, persistent or severe nausea and vomiting should prompt medical evaluation to ensure proper management.

Section 8: Back Pain Subsiding

As a kidney stone approaches closer to being passed, individuals may notice a gradual subsiding of back pain. The sharp, debilitating back pain that accompanies kidney stones may diminish as the stone progresses through the urinary tract. This can provide much-needed relief and serve as a positive sign that the body is effectively expelling the stone.

Section 9: Physical Sensations During Urination

When a kidney stone is passing, individuals may experience peculiar physical sensations during urination. This can include a gritty or sandy feeling as the stone moves through the urethra, as well as potential moments of discomfort or burning during urination. These sensations are indicative of the stone's imminent expulsion and are essential to recognize during this phase.

Section 10: Excretion of Stone Fragments

Ultimately, one of the most definitive signs that a kidney stone is passing is the excretion of stone fragments in the urine. These fragments may appear as small, gritty particles or larger, more identifiable pieces, depending on the size and composition of the original stone. The presence of these fragments confirms that the stone has successfully traversed the urinary system, marking a crucial milestone in its passage.


Recognizing the signs that indicate a passing kidney stone is vital for individuals dealing with this challenging condition. By understanding these key indicators, individuals can gain insight into their progress and take appropriate steps to manage their symptoms. It's important to remember that while these signs are informative, seeking medical guidance and support is essential for comprehensive care and treatment.

In conclusion, this blog post provides valuable insights into recognizing signs that a kidney stone is passing, empowering individuals to navigate this aspect of their health with greater awareness and understanding.